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  • Cash-based PT improves patient care allowing for quicker recovery times and less visits. Rather than having 2-3 appointments per week, a cash-based physical therapist may only see you 1-3 times per month.  
  • Yes, Onward Body can bill both Idaho and Wyoming Workers’ Compensation for PT services.

In many cases, yes. Superbills allow you to get money back for PT services. The process is simple:

After receiving payment for your appointment, I will create a superbill – it’s a receipt with medical codes. You then send this to your insurance company, who will reimburse you. This works for multiple visits.

A few helpful bits:

  • You must have out-of-network benefits
  • Reimbursement may be added toward your deductible
  • Your insurance company may reimburse some (not all) of the costs
  • PT appointments leave you feeling better immediately and offer advice to help you in the long-term. Treatments emphasize manual therapy, but also focus on joint mechanics, movement analysis, and education to alleviate the root cause of your complaint.
  • Massage is a whole body, spiritual experience tailored to promote deep relaxation and wellbeing. The effects of a massage will last 24-72 hours. Please be aware I cannot diagnose a problem through giving a massage, nor can I offer PT advice during the treatment. 
  • Onward Body is unable to offer PT to Medicare patients. However, wellness services via exercise prescription and massage therapy are available.
  • Not at all 🙂 ! Please take the 5-10 minutes before and after your appointment (while I’m setting up/breaking down) to enjoy the pause.